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Ancient & Medieval History Resources
by Katie Ward

Ancient Egypt
Enrichment & Games
Write your name in hieroglyphs
Theban Mapping Project--Explore the Valley of the Kings
Mummy Madness (Horrible Histories)
Tomb of Terror Game (Horrible Histories)
Why do Egyptian figures look the way they do?
Send a Mystery Message to a Friend
Plan Your Journey to the Afterlife on
A History of the World in 100 Objects
Crash Course World History
TED and TEDx Talks
Suff You Missed in History Class
King Djoser and Egypt's First Pyramid
Cosmetics from Ancient Egypt to the Modern World
Embalming and Mummification Rituals of Ancient Egypt
Nefertiti and the Heretic Pharaoh
Were Ancient Egyptians the First Feminists?
Who Was King Tut...Really?
The Cursed Tomb of King Tut
What Happened to Cleopatra's Children?
How the Rosetta Stone Works
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